Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
If you were drawn into the Twilight Saga, you will love this novel by Stephenie Myer. In the third book of the Saga, Eclipse, a clan of newborn vampires is created. Out of the many blood thirsty newborns there is a young girl named Bree Tanner. She is a bit to nice and scared of what she has become and what it means, to be a viscous bloodsucking creature. Pulled out of a life on the streets, bitten, made to suffer through the burning pains of becoming a vampire, and then ripped apart by a clan of yellow eyed vampires she didn't even know existed, Bree goes through many obstacles and tragedys in her second life. Lied to, betrayed, scared of the others in her clan she stays hidden.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Whenever he tells me he loves me
After looking into my eyes
Before we say goodnight
As we make our departure for the day
I say "I love you too baby, with all my heart"
As I say it back
Before we look away
Before we go to sleep
Before we say goodbye
I know it is true because I feel it in my heart
After looking into my eyes
Before we say goodnight
As we make our departure for the day
I say "I love you too baby, with all my heart"
As I say it back
Before we look away
Before we go to sleep
Before we say goodbye
I know it is true because I feel it in my heart
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tally has been transformed into a pretty, what she has wanted all her life, but she did not get the surgery to be "pretty," she got it to test the drug, to be the guinea pig for the drug made by the smokies. The drug is suppose to cure "pretty-minds." Research done by the smokies has revealed that pretties have lesions on their brains after getting the surgery, and they believe these are what make the pretties, "pretty-minded," what makes them want to stay pretty. Tally will be no different though, so wouldn't she want to stay pretty?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Argument: Coffee Stands in School
Assertion/Claim: Schools should have coffee stands for the students.
(Of course with the younger students, parents would have to give permission for thier children to consume the coffee.)
They Say; I Say: They say caffeine is not allowed in schools.... I say that the schools can use decaf coffee.
(Of course with the younger students, parents would have to give permission for thier children to consume the coffee.)
Increase your brain power with coffee- a natural and effective stimulant.
In the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics by Dr. J Murdoch Ritchieh, he reports... On thepositive side, caffeine produces "a more rapid and clearer flow of thought," and allays"drowsiness and fatigue. After taking caffiene one is capable of greater sustained intellectual and a more perfect association of ideas. There is also a keener appreciation of sensory stimuli, and motor activity is increased; typists, for example, work faster with fewer errors."
The Effects of Caffeine on the Brain
Caffeine is a stimulant, meaning its accelerates physiological activity. Specifically, it speeds up the action of your brain and makes you more alert. It does this by binding to adenosine receptors in the brain. Normally, the chemical adenosine binds to these, causing drowsiness by slowing down nerve cell activity. Caffeine gets in the way of the chemical adenosine.They Say; I Say: They say caffeine is not allowed in schools.... I say that the schools can use decaf coffee.
To my knowledge, caffeine would cause a significant inrease in students participation in school activities and school work. Caffeine is a brain stimulant that speeds up the action of your brain and makes you more alert thus students would be more awake, not fall asleep in class, and think more clearly and better.
Inductive/ Deductive Thinking Statement
The facts are that coffee does increase brain activity.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Look for Me by Moonlight
Look for me by moonlight, to me, was a intensely good novel.
When Vincent Morthanos, a mysterious older man who claims he rights poetry and books, arrives at sixteen-year-old Cynda's fathers inn, she is mesmerized by the beauty, charm, and intelligence he possesses. Cynda is sure that she is in love. She is also sure that he feels the same, at least she hopes. He stays secluded much of the time, up in his room, but when Vincent does come out, Cynda notices his beautiful and sensitive eyes that give her shivers up her spine, looking at her, wanting her. She is blind by love to see him for what he really is, to see the truth.
The Time Machine

The Time Machine, by H.G Wells is very interesting in a way of adventures and new discoveries, yet it is a kind of confusing book to me. In the beginning of the book, the time traveller is talking to different people about his invention of the time machine in a dialogue that I could not understand easily. Later on, he tells of his travel to the future. He tells of the little people who lived, the delightful flowers and brilliant butterflies. He tells of how there was no disease, no danger of war or wild beasts. The world was in peace. The houses of which the little people lived in were magnificent works of art. Like i said before, this book is very interesting just a little hard to understand so I would recommened that anyone who likes adventure read The Time Machine.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Suicide, school shootings, severe depression, crying, hurting, there is so many feelings that being bullied can make a person feel. So many thoughts that can lead to actions.
Many people just look at bullying as fooling around, having fun, but what about when the person that is being bullied brings a gun to school, kills himself, kills the person that is bullying them, how do you look at the situation then?
Bullying arouses many different emotions in people. For the bully, bullying could make them feel powerful, stronger, but for the person being bullied, their emotions
are a totally different story. They feel hurt, sad, angry. It could make them feel like dying, like giving up, make them think they have no reason to live anymore. For example, if that person is being bullied at school, being pushed around, called names, ect. What if the same thing is going on at their home also? What if their parents abuse them? Having that go on at home and at school, wouldn't you feel like giving up too? Wouldn't tou feel like dying?
Many people just look at bullying as fooling around, having fun, but what about when the person that is being bullied brings a gun to school, kills himself, kills the person that is bullying them, how do you look at the situation then?
Bullying arouses many different emotions in people. For the bully, bullying could make them feel powerful, stronger, but for the person being bullied, their emotions

Thursday, October 21, 2010
I am very excited about homecoming this year. We are going up against Blytheville this year and we're going to win like always. I am ready to see the Batesville Pioneers kick some Chickasaw butts! The game is always very tense and exciting on homecoming night. I am looking forward to the yelling and screaming "Go Pioneers," and watching all the touchdowns that the Pioneers will make.
Spirit week has been a blast this year. I have enjoyed dressing up and also looking at all the funny things people come up with. The decorations are awesome and give me a lot of school spirit.
The homecoming dance will not be goinmg on this year, but I am ok with that. We are having one the week after so it will make up for it. I am excited to go. I love dressing up and dancing.
GO PIONEERS!!!!!!!!!
Spirit week has been a blast this year. I have enjoyed dressing up and also looking at all the funny things people come up with. The decorations are awesome and give me a lot of school spirit.
The homecoming dance will not be goinmg on this year, but I am ok with that. We are having one the week after so it will make up for it. I am excited to go. I love dressing up and dancing.
GO PIONEERS!!!!!!!!!
Tally has grown up in a world where everyone, on their sixteenth birthday, gets an operation that makes their faces and bodies perfect. After the operation they are known as a pretty, and live in New Pretty Town and live a life of fun and partying. Before they are known as an ugly. Tally cannot wait to turn sixteen and join the prettys and have fun. Shortly before the operation Tally has always dreamt about, she becomes friends with a girl named Shay. Shay and her have the same birthday, so Tally is very excited that they will both turn pretty together. Little does Tally know that Shay does not want to turn pretty. She wants to run away to a town called The Smoke, a secret town for people who refuse to have the operation. When Shay runs away to The Smoke after Tally refuses to go with her, Tally is given an option by Special Cicumstances, the secret police, to either betray her friend and help them find The Smoke or remain ugly for the rest of her life. To find out what choice Tally makes, read Uglies by Scott Westerfeld.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Need by Carrie Jones is about a young girl, Zara White, who moves to a small shivery Maine town. Zara's mother, who Zara lived with in Connecticut, says she can not deal with her not smiling, being sad, and her not being herself anymore so she sent her off to Maine to live with her mother, Zara's grandmother. Before leaving Connecticut, Zara notices this creepy man in a black coat following her. She doesn't really think anything of it until she goes to her new school. While in the lunchroom with her new friends, Devyn and Issie, she sees the guy again, and he's pointing at her. This gives her the shivers. In this small town, there have been boys gone missing in the past few months. They quickly find out this guy maybe a pixie and not the nice sweet pixies either.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Chosen Theme

I have many gadgets on my blog that have to deal with peace and love. Many that can teach you about these two topics or quotes that just make you feel good.
The colors of my blog are very calming and pretty. Pink and red are the colors of love. That is the reason I chose this background for my blog
We are in english class so instead of
happiness I put writing. Peace is
tranquility and a calm state of mind. Love
is beautiful. So My blog is all
about that.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Night by Elie Wiesel is about his life growing up in the concentration camps of the Holocaust. Night begins in 1941 when Elie is twelve years old. Elie along with his mother, father, sister, and many other Jews of Sighet are stuffed into cattle wagons and taken to Birkenau to be tortured. Elie gets forever split from his mother and sister. He witnesses much darkness and anguish while being stuck in this torturous place. He sees babys being thrown into a ditch into burning flames, he and his father indure severe beatings, he witnesses several hangings, he sees a boy kill his own father over some food. Elie and his father are able to survive through the selection process and not get cremated. Eventhough his father overcomes all these things he manages to fall ill and eventually die. The Germans planned to kill all the jews but their plan did not succeed because of the uprise of the resistance and American tanks came and rescued them. Elie is put in the hospital and he survives.
Friday, May 28, 2010
This picture that I have drawn symbolizes darkness in all the people that were killed and hurt, made slaves of, and even thrown into the flames by the evil of man that put them there, cremated, made fools of, screaming and crying. The chaos in the times of the Holocaust render much darkness in the lifes that were unwillingly put to silence.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Steven King is a very intense dramatic novel. It begins with a mother a daughter and a son on a family trip. While walking down a trail the daughter has to use the bathroom. There is nothing around except for woods. She figures it will only take her a minute and she would catch back up to her family. She would have told them but they were to busy arguing. They didn't even notice her leave. As she walks out into the woods she looks back to see if anybody can see her. She keeps walking because she don't want anybody to see her. She walks so far that she gets lost. All she has with her is her walkman and a little bit to eat. To find out if she is found, a major tragedy occurs, or if she finds her own way out, you will have to read the book.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Overcoming the Tragedys
Through all the hardships and tragedys that has happened in my moms life through the past four years she overcomes all of these and still manages to carry on. It all started with her best friend passing away. The person that she could always talk to, the only person she ever talked to passed away. She went through grief and depression and sometimes I was scared for her. The next thing that happened was her husband, my stepdad, for ten years left her. She loved him with all her heart and did not see why he would do such a thing. Neither did I. She was a great wife, and a loving mother which she still continues to be. After he left she could not pay all the bills and the house payment by herself so we lost the house. Soon after that the worst tragedy of all took place. On August 18, 2006, her son, my brother, Justin Mcmahan, died. He was in a car wreck. She was devistatated, we both were. He was twenty years of age and still had his whole life ahead of him but it was cut short. He never leaves my moms mind nor mine. Shortly after that, I became pregnant. My mom seen this as a blessing,but still yet it was going to be hard on her as well as me. To me my mom is strong and independent and still carrys on eventhough all this has happened in her life. She is my hero. She is my mom.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Prom was a blast! Everybody dancing, the music, the lights, and all the well dressed students made prom very exciting.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Living in the 1920's
Based on what I have learned about the 1920's I would not have minded living in that decade. I would have actually probably liked it.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Nature's First Green is Gold

The first blooming on the trees of spring are not green, but they are gold. The gold does not stay though. They eventually bloom into green leaves or beautiful flowers. Driving down the road I have noticed all the gold. If it is from the leaves on the ground, to the buds on the trees, or the brightly colored bushes, you can find gold almost anywhere. It is a beautiful season.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day :)
What does St. Patrick's day mean to me? Well it sored of reminds of my brother, Justin Mcmahan (R.I.P). He was as irish as it gets. Red hair, temper like no other, he just gave off the ora of Irish. Everytime this holiday comes around and I see all the green and clovers I can not help but to think of him.
Monday, March 15, 2010
"TTYL" is about bestfreinds who talk with each other about everything over IMing. The whole book is them IMing back and forth. They talk about boys, their family, school, and the trip that they want to take.Its just basically about regular teenagers lifes.
The Kite Runner
The Kite Runner is about a boy named Amir who makes unwise decisions. He and his friend Hassan get bullied a lot. They finally have enough and Hasssan shoots a boys eye out with his slingshot. Amir enters the kite flying contest and wins it. His father is proud.
Olympic-Size Commitment
An olympic-size commitment that I would make is getting married to the one I love. I would be totally commited to him and do whatever I can for him as long as he would return the favor. When I find the one, I will make an olympic-size commitment to him.
Someone that I know that has made an olympic-size commitment is my mom. She has made it a commitment to take care of me the best that she can and she does it very well. I have also made the commitment of taking care of my son, Laiden.
Someone that I know that has made an olympic-size commitment is my mom. She has made it a commitment to take care of me the best that she can and she does it very well. I have also made the commitment of taking care of my son, Laiden.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Civil Wars
All throughout my life my mother and her father, my grandfather, has not got along. I can not remember the last time I even saw or talked to him. What I do remember is how he use to give me chocolate when I was little and how he taught me to ride a bike. I do not know why my mom and my grandfather do not get along but I really wish they did. I would like to be able to see him and talk to him. This space betweem them, I think, is never going to close, never going to get any better. This fight is like a civil war because it is between family.
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