Suicide, school shootings, severe depression, crying, hurting, there is so many feelings that being bullied can make a person feel. So many thoughts that can lead to actions.
Many people just look at bullying as fooling around, having fun, but what about when the person that is being bullied brings a gun to school, kills himself, kills the person that is bullying them, how do you look at the situation then?
Bullying arouses many different emotions in people. For the bully, bullying could make them feel powerful, stronger, but for the person being bullied, their emotions
are a totally different story. They feel hurt, sad, angry. It could make them feel like dying, like giving up, make them think they have no reason to live anymore. For example, if that person is being bullied at school, being pushed around, called names, ect. What if the same thing is going on at their home also? What if their parents abuse them? Having that go on at home and at school, wouldn't you feel like giving up too? Wouldn't tou feel like dying?
Many people just look at bullying as fooling around, having fun, but what about when the person that is being bullied brings a gun to school, kills himself, kills the person that is bullying them, how do you look at the situation then?
Bullying arouses many different emotions in people. For the bully, bullying could make them feel powerful, stronger, but for the person being bullied, their emotions

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