Zara White is the new girl in Maine. She moves down there to stay with her grandmother after her stepdad passed away. Her mother is still alive but she cannot handle Zara any more. Her mom thinks sendind her to live with her grandmother is the perfect fix. Zara has many phobias and she chants them when she's nervous. That is what her dad told her to do. Zara suspects a creepy guy is stalking her. She has seen him countless times. While at the airport, at school, by the woods, ect, and the freaky thing was that she was in her old town the first time and then she saw him in Maine when she got there. Her new friends think that this guy could be a pixie. Zara doesn't really believe this at first but all the sighns lead to to that. The gold dust, the missing boys, the way some of the people at school act. After searching the internet they come to find pixies are'nt the sweet little things everyone thinks they are. They're much worse. To find out if this mysterious man that is following Zara is really a pixie and why the people in Maine act so weird, read Need by Carrie Jones.

Tally has grown up in a world where everyone, on their sixteenth birthday, gets an operation that makes thier faces and bodies perfect. After the operation they are known as a pretty. Before they are known as an ugly. After the operation they live in New Pretty Town and live a life of fun and partying. Tally can not wait to turn sixteen and join the fun. Shortly before the operation that Tally has always dreamt about, she becomes friends with a girl named Shay. Shay and her have the same birthday, so Tally is very excited that they will both turn pretty together. Little does Tally know that Shay does not want to turn pretty. She wants to run away to a town called The Smoke, a secret town for people who refuse the operation. When Shay runs away to the smoke after being refused by Tally to come, Tally is given an option by Special Cicumstances, the secret police, to either betray her friend and help them find the Smoke or be ugly forever.To find out if Tally makes the right choice read, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld.