Night by Elie Wiesel is about his life growing up in the concentration camps of the Holocaust. Night begins in 1941 when Elie is twelve years old. Elie along with his mother, father, sister, and many other Jews of Sighet are stuffed into cattle wagons and taken to Birkenau to be tortured. Elie gets forever split from his mother and sister. He witnesses much darkness and anguish while being stuck in this torturous place. He sees babys being thrown into a ditch into burning flames, he and his father indure severe beatings, he witnesses several hangings, he sees a boy kill his own father over some food. Elie and his father are able to survive through the selection process and not get cremated. Eventhough his father overcomes all these things he manages to fall ill and eventually die. The Germans planned to kill all the jews but their plan did not succeed because of the uprise of the resistance and American tanks came and rescued them. Elie is put in the hospital and he survives.
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